Drama and Theatre Studies
BackDrama is a practical, creative and engaging course that will give students the opportunity to interrogate drama and the work of others, to explore a range of play texts and styles, and to create their own drama performances.
Students will complete three components during the course, all of which have a practical focus to the class work, and culminate in a mix of coursework and exam assessment. Component 1, Theatre Workshop, allows you to explore the styles of influential Drama practitioners and theatre companies through practical workshops, leading to a devised performance and an accompanying creative log. Component 2, Text In Action, allows you to create two performances in response to a stimulus (one text, and one devised) and an accompanying performance report. This component also utilises your existing knowledge of practitioners, theatre companies, and performance styles learnt in Component 1 workshops.
For Component 3, Text In Performance, learners will explore two set play texts from the perspective of director, performer and designer, as well as studying a pre-released extract from a third play. You will be able to create your own directorial concepts for all three texts and design your vision for how they would be presented on stage, as well as exploring each one practically.
“Theatre Studies is a fantastic subject to take, as it has helped me improve my confidence and has encouraged me to take part in extra-curricular activities such as leading Year 9 Drama Club and taking part in the school plays.”
Next Steps
A Level Drama supports a range of progression routes. Some students have gone on to apply for vocational Colleges and conservatoires such as LAMDA, Mountview and LIPA. Others have studied degree courses in drama or musical theatre at universities such as Manchester, Royal Holloway and Chichester.
Drama has supported students pursuing History, English and Media as well as other performing arts subjects. Some students choose to take a FE course in performing arts after A Level Drama to support their application and audition process for vocational courses at conservatoires and drama/performing arts colleges.
Entry Requirements
Standard entry requirements, plus
· Minimum Grade 4 Drama
· L2 vocational equivalent at Merit or Distinction
· If neither have been studied: Audition may be required
Please note if Drama not taken at GCSE considerable practical experience in Drama is required.
Exam board