Former Deputy Secretary of the European Parliament comes back to his roots to give sixth form prestigious award

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The former Deputy Secretary of the European Parliament - David Harley - came back to the county of his childhood in Suffolk to give a school a prestigious award.

Mr Harley moved to Stratford St Mary at the age of four.

After gaining a degree in modern languages from Cambridge, he went to have a successful 35 year career working in politics.

This week, he came to Abbeygate Sixth Form College to handover a European Parliament Ambassador School Programme Award to staff and students.

During his visit, Mr Harley toured the building situated in Bury St Edmunds, visited the new XR Lab and spoke to around 150 students about his time visiting Brussels, Downing Street, the White House and working with the Royal Family.

The educational establishment was given this award thanks to their efforts in hosting a series of EU related events throughout the academic year.

Jen O’Reilly-Turner a teacher of German at French at Abbeygate explains: Jen said: “All year we have been working towards this and it is an accolade that reflects the work we have done to towards internationalism, global values, tolerance and human rights. We celebrated European Day of Languages campaign, had virtual link ups with the EY Parliament, had workshops went on trips and had a successful exchange with a school in Germany.

“As far as I am aware, we are the only school in Suffolk to be acknowledged in this way - so it’s very pleasing. The reason we have committed to this is because regardless of your politics, EU and British values are all about promoting democracy, justice and tolerance.

“Regardless of your views, Brexit has happened, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it has to be the end of everything. We want our students to be global citizens and many of them may work or live in other parts of the world. So, our goal is to keep this project going and cement more links with other countries both in Europe and elsewhere.”

Isaac, 18, from Bury St Edmunds is a languages student. Isaac said: “It was great to get such a high profile visit. It inspires us (students) to think that we can get high profile roles in the future.                                                                                                                                  

“I still think it’s important that people learn about the EU even though we have left. The more we learn about the EU and politics, the more we can have our say, make our voice heard and create the future that we want.”

During his visit, Mr Harley said: “I’m extremely impressed by Abbeygate, the building is very well designed, the students are very bright and the courses are well put together - so I’ve come away with an excellent impression (of the sixth form).

On the ambassador programme he added: “Europe’s future depends on today’s younger generation and this ambassador programme helps give students from the UK and all EU states the chance talk, mingle and exchange ideas about their future.”